Tanya Gandy
Baby Café Breastfeeding Support Group



Central Standard Time


Recur every 1 week(s) on Wednesday until 12/14/2022 12:00:00 AM.


Medical City Lewisville Floor 3 Mom/Baby Classroom
500 West Main Street
Lewisville, Texas 75057

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Join us at Baby Café, a free weekly support group for breastfeeding families!

Hosted by Medical City Lewisville's lactation consultants to help people reach their breastfeeding goals, this weekly group is offered free-of-charge to all community members.

An International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) will be in attendance to offer up-to-date breastfeeding information.

Discussion topics will include:
- Correct latching and positioning
- Dealing with growth spurts
- Milk supply concerns
- Preparing to return to work
- And much more!

Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with others and share their experiences, and even track their baby's progress by weigh checks week-to-week.

Our dedicated nurses and lactation experts encourage attendees to come with questions. Let us help and support you through your breastfeeding experience!

For more information, please call (469) 370-2393 or email

WHAT: Medical City Lewisville Baby Café Breastfeeding Support Group
WHEN: Every Wednesday, 9:30-11AM
WHERE: 3rd Floor Mother/Baby Unit Classroom

#CareLikeFamily #CaringForTheCommunity #BestHospitalToHaveABaby

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