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Students at Castle Hills Elementary (CHE) in Lewisville ISD, celebrated National Teacher Appreciation Week with an entire week of fun activities including “Souper” Hero Tuesday. Students were encouraged to bring a can of soup to show teachers and staff how much they were appreciated. Over 600 cans were collected and donated to the CCA Lewisville food pantry in honor of the teachers and staff at CHE. “Our theme for this year has been ‘Think Outside the Box’, so our week of activities reflected that theme,” stated Mr. Brandon Girard, CHE Teacher of the Year. “Collecting and donating soup was a fantastic way to show that the students appreciate the lessons of charity and caring for others that we teach and model all year long.”

National PTA Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6 – 10, 2013. Each school is encouraged to celebrate in its own unique way. Teachers and staff at CHE also received flowers, snacks, acrostic poems describing what students appreciated most about each teacher, a luncheon from the administration and a luncheon sponsored by the PTA.

Donna Taylor, Principal and Brandon Girard, CHE Teacher of the Year are pictured with over 600 cans collected during National Teacher Appreciation Week and donated to the CCA Lewisville food pantry.

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