BubbleLife Staff – BubbleLife Staff
Mar 6 2014

Lewisville Police Department recently released its 2013 Crime Report, which shows the city’s overall crime rate dropped by 18.1 percent. LPD attributes the decrease, at least in part, to continued partnership with the community.

The closure rate for crimes investigated has been increasing during the past few years from 49.7 percent in 2009 to the 2013 closure rate of 59.8. Closures of major crimes (e.g. forcible rape and aggravated assault) were 33.4 percent and closures of minor crimes (e.g. credit card fraud and criminal mischief) were 75.2 percent.

In some cases, small increases in a crime with a low frequency can result in a large percentage increase. For example, the report indicates a 600 percent increase in “burglary building” offenses in Castle Hills for 2013. That figure represents an increase from one offense in 2012 to seven in 2013.

Other highlights from the report:

• Sex offenses increased to 36 in 2013 from 20 in 2012 (an 80 percent increase). Victims of these crimes often know their attackers.

• Another notable increase was seen in “nonviolent family offenses,” which increased by 64.3 percent (from 28 in 2012 to 46 in 2013). These are crimes that “threaten the physical, mental, or economic well-being or morals of another family member.” These crimes include offenses such as nonpayment of court-ordered family support.

• The report also shows a 250 percent increase (from 10 to 35) in “electronic manipulation” and a 57.3 percent increase (from 220 to 346) in “credit card abuse.”  Computer, internet, and identity theft crimes are definitely on the rise and are likely to continue rising as community education increases. Unfortunately, as technology improves, the ability to manipulate data and defraud others also improves.

• There was a 20.7 percent decrease in “burglary.”  These crimes dropped from 570 incidents in 2012 to 452 in 2013.

• Lewisville also saw a decrease in “curfew offenses,” dropping from 23 in 2012 to 14 in 2013. Increased community awareness is likely the driving force behind this decrease.

• Lewisville experienced a 66.7 percent decrease in “murder and voluntary manslaughter” in 2013. There was only one murder in Lewisville in 2013 compared to three the previous year.

Information provided by City of Lewisville.