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If you feel your dog has been reluctant to jump off the couch, walk down the stairs or is overly careful jumping out of the car, he or she might be suffering from arthritis in the elbows. Even with commonly used pain medications, it is often difficult to provide long-term relief for this common condition.  
A veterinarian in your local area is participating in a  national clinical trial studying a drug for dogs suffering from arthritic elbow pain. 

The study is evaluating the short and long term (90 days) effect of this drug after a single injection in the elbow joints. This clinical trial is part of the normal FDA approval process of demonstrating that the new drug is effective and safe for use in dogs. There are no costs for pet owners related to study participation.

This study aims to confirm the effectiveness and safety of a new medicine to control pain associated with osteoarthritis of the elbow in dogs. If your dog qualifies for this study, you should expect to stay in the study for 90 days and have 7 scheduled visits with the veterinarian conducting the study. You will also be required to provide weekly behavioral assessments of your dog.

Because this is a study that is intended to support the drug’s approval, it needs to be “controlled.” This means some dogs receive treatment and others undergo the preparation and everything leading up to an injection of the medication, but do not actually receive the medication being tested. This study is also “blinded” or “masked,” meaning neither you nor the veterinarian making observations will know if your dog received the treatment or not until the end of the study. All owners of untreated dogs will be given an opportunity at the end of the study for their dogs to receive the investigational treatment at no charge.

Your dog may qualify if he or she: 
  • Is at least 1 year old.
  • Weighs more than 11 pounds.
  • Can be confirmed to have elbow pain due to osteoarthritis that impacts his/her mobility and quality of life.
  • If suffering from additional conditions other than joint pain, those conditions are stable and under medical care.
  • Is not intended for breeding and is not pregnant or lactating.
  • Has not had a medical or surgical procedure in the past 30 days.
  • Does not have acute joint pain from an infection that is being treated with antibiotics.
If qualified, your dog would receive (at no cost to you): 
  • Investigational medicine or the procedure without injection of the medication
  • Study-related exams and tests.
  • Time with a local veterinarian

Why should I enroll my dog in this study?

If you decide to enroll your dog in this study, he/she will receive all study-related care at no cost to you.
In addition, as participants in this study, you and your dog will be helping advance both human and veterinary medicine and treatments for future generations of owners and their animals.
Visit WWW.DOGELBOWPAIN.COM for more information
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